Bamboo covers about 15 million ha of India i.e. 20% of the forest area and is among the fastest-growing plants that can sequester maximum biomass in short time. Bamboo is 70% cheaper than Timber or Steel with comparable strength and can be used for long term for Mobile tower building or as construction material if processed chemically. Promoting Bamboo plantation on degraded forests and common lands/ fallow farms can earn over $ 1,100/ acre/ year to the farmers and help in meeting at least 25% of the Net Zero carbon emission goal by 2030 as it can sequester 10 ton carbon/ ha/ year i.e. 37 carbon credits. It can employ 20 million rural artisans in planting processing and help the corporate compliance. Promoting Balcooa bamboo in the southern/ central Indian topical climate should be avoided to minimize the failure and loss to the farmers.