Bamboo farming as Green timber for Net Zero carbon emission – Nature Based Solution (NBS) for India

Krishakumar Singh 1 , Vinay Kolte2 , Rajashree Joshi3 , Utkarsh Ghate4

1Sr. Thematic Expert, BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune, India

2Bamboo Nursery, Village Pale, Bhor taluka, Pune, India

3Programme Director, BAIF, India

4RANWA NGO, Ganesh Nagar, Pune, India

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Bamboo covers about 15 million ha of India i.e. 20% of the forest area and is among the fastest-growing plants that can sequester maximum biomass in short time. Bamboo is 70% cheaper than Timber or Steel with comparable strength and can be used for long term for Mobile tower building or as construction material if processed chemically. Promoting Bamboo plantation on degraded forests and common lands/ fallow farms can earn over $ 1,100/ acre/ year to the farmers and help in meeting at least 25% of the Net Zero carbon emission goal by 2030 as it can sequester 10 ton carbon/ ha/ year i.e. 37 carbon credits. It can employ 20 million rural artisans in planting processing and help the corporate compliance. Promoting Balcooa bamboo in the southern/ central Indian topical climate should be avoided to minimize the failure and loss to the farmers.


Biomass growth, green timber, livelihoods, reforestation

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Bamboo is a sustainable and renewable resource due to its fast vegetative growth and with little watering after 1-2 years. Its used to ecorestoration of the degraded land,  carbon sequestration, and also poverty alleviation through crafts microenterprises, as a Nature Based Solution (NBS) for the climate change- being both mitigation and adaptation tool [1]. It is a crucial strategy tool in the agroforestry and construction sector towards “net zero” carbon emissions as it absorbs more carbon per unit area than tree species [2]. Bamboo occupied about 11.4 million i.e. 16% of the 66.7 million forest in the country and 4% of the nation’s land area in 2003 [3]. It rose by 30% to 15 million ha by 2021 to cover nearby 20% of the forest area of 70 million ha [4], possibly due to the National Bamboo Mission’s efforts to plant and use Bamboo since 2012. Remarkably, the majority 10 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN vide Box 1 [5]. It will also help the corporate such as Telecom companies or CSR (corporate social responsibility) partners to meet their environmental/“net-zero” targets.

  Bamboo plantation arrests soil erosion, restores degraded land, conserves water and rejuvenatessprings, enhances biodiversity, and serves as raw materials to  rural artisans people. Steel and concrete replaced the use of wood or bamboo in 20th century, causing nearly 1/3rd of the Global Warming and are costly than the later but are long lasting. Making Wood/ Bamboo last for decades/ century is a technology challenge. Indian Bamboo productivity (mainly from forest area) is low- 1 ton/ha/ year. However, with commercial plantation it can increase by up to 40 times [6,7]. India has set ambitious target of 2.5 Billion ton of CO2 equivalent(CO2E)carbon offset by 2030. India can expand tree cover on another 25-30 Million ha of degraded land and Bamboo can help crucially in it. If this is done, at modest 20 ton/ ha/ year biomass growth rate it can sequester 10 ton/ha/ year Carbon as 50% of biomass is assumed to be carbon [2]. This implies 36.7 CO2E/ ha/ year as CO2 to carbon ratio is 3.67 [8]. This means 720 million CO2E/ year even if just 20 Million ha are planted with Bamboo i.e. about 25% of India’s net zero pledge. 

However it is important to convert Bamboo into / furniture etc. for long-term carbon storage with proper treatment as described further and not let it roat on the floor leading to Carbon leakage. Even at a modest price of $5 per CO2E ton prevailing in the voluntary markets, it can earn $ 180 carbon credit/ ha/ year. This is besides the $1,100/ ha/ year the farmers can earn from retail sales of the Bamboo poles locally or 25% of it in bulk to Paper mill etc. For, 2,000 poles are easily available annually/ha and each sold at $ 0.6  on spot [9]. National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management (MANAGE) has documented 2.5 times more gross income/ ha than this [10].  

We surveyed suitable Bamboo species and developed manual of their plantation for Green Telecom Tower purpose of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in 2022 [11],  which is mainly summarized here, but with carbon neutrality and livelihoods focus added. It is based on our own experience, literature review, and experts’ consultation. Wooden poles have limited length, so bamboo is better suited due to its physical strength for use as an electricity pole and also as mobile phone communication towers for setting antenna. For, bamboo pole has properties like 15 to 25 m length, 7 to 8 cm diameter, compactness, tensile strength to withstand wind pressure (44 m/sec), long life span (10- 15 years). Some southeast Asian companies  are already building bamboo towers [12].

 Bamboo plantations are made worldwide but face few challenges that include biological ones- long gestation period (4-5 years) for the first harvest and the income, and technological- preservation and processing techniques, besides policy constraints e.g. lack of insurance (for instance, as in India). 

Wild bamboo is abundant in some regions, but unsuitable for the market standards, causing poor price, a major constraint preventing farmers hesitate to cultivating bamboo [13]. Lack of knowledge and entrepreneurship on processing and preservation is another constraint. 

Recently bamboo products are remerging such as in eco-friendly resorts as cottages, towers, paper, furniture, incense sticks, biofuels like briquettes and Bio-CNG etc. Bamboo can replace wood from the paper and pulp industry to flooring, construction to musical instruments etc. [14].  Bamboo is stronger than wood (Table 1) and is weather resilient so is a can replace “plastic” too to avoid the global pollution menace.  The use of bamboo for tower purposes will add more value and remunerative livelihood incentives to rural masses for undertaking bamboo plantations as an enterprise activity through community participation. Removal of Bamboo trade and transport restriction by deleting it from the definition of “timber” in 2014 was a commendable policy whereby in the Indian Forest Act, 1927, in its application to the State of Maharashtra, in section 2, in clause (7), the words “bamboos, stumps, brushwood and canes” were deleted [15, 16].

2. Bamboo- Global and Asian Scenario 

Bamboo species number over 1250 in 91 genera globally in different are agro-zones [17]. The bamboo geography falls into 3 major global regions; namely, the Asian-Pacific, the Americas, and Africa [ibid., 18]. Asia and the Pacific region hosts about 80% of bamboo forest lands and species in the world as Africa has little area and bamboo diversity [19]. Asia has many advantages for bamboo growth comprising over 900 species from 50 genera. Asian countries are very rich in bamboo resources viz. China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam). Constant cold temperatures risk the Bamboo plants but not warmer climates. India and China; together account for about 70% of the bamboo in Asia [18].

3. Soil and Climatic suitability:

Bamboo prefers tropical and subtropical climates. Bamboos grows best in deep, well-drained, neutral to slightly acid soils (pH of 6.0 to 7.5)andcan tolerate acidic soils with pH even up to 5.0 but not rocky soils [20]. The best-suited soils for bamboo farming are Sandy loam and clay loam. If the soil is deficient, its worthwhile to invest the time and expense of improving it in terms of irrigation and fortification . Bamboo can tolerate a wide range of temperatures (6480C), but the ideal is 20-350 C.

Most of the species come under “sympodial” type of “crown” i.e. in culms, but is difficult to harvest while that of the monopodial Bamboo species (growing in single stem) is easy [11].

4. Nursery preparation through community:

The bamboo plantation provides livelihoods to rural community with proper training for planting, maintenance and processing (post harvest management).

5 Planting system

There are two types of plantation systems:

Tower purpose Bamboo species require wider spacing as the main trunk grows 15 to 25  m tall. Further, their offshoot rhizome also spread to 3  m diameter.  Thyrostachys olivery can be planted at 1 x 1  m distance for biomass/ foliage purpose  but it is not for tower purpose [25].

5.1 Block or pit system: The space between two adjoining plants is at equal distances irrespective of species and is considered the most traditional system of bamboo plantation. Each species require different spacing depending upon its multiplication based on its economic life (5 to 50 years) [7].

Traditional system (block system model) considered 4 x 4  m  spacing (approx.460 No’s plants/hectare) is ideal, butsome species require different spacing (Table: 3).

Pits are dug of 1  m  x  m  or lesser depending upon soil condition.

  1. nearly 1/3rd pit is filled by manure or compost., It is followed by mixing soil with manure or chemical fertilizer, and the rest is covered with the soil after planting. Local chemicals can be applied at the bottom of the root zone while planting, To reduce the termite infestation, which is a major problem in Bamboo plantations.   
  • When plants are about 1 m tall, transplanting to the field is done.
  • Seed grown plants are most economical and convenient method but seed availability and germination may be limited, which is a major constraint, thus requiring vegetative means. 
  • The clump is the traditional and most prevalent vegetative propagation method of bamboo. 
  • In the summer season, active growth of young shoots /buds on the Bamboo rhizome is initiated . It is common to  process vegetative propagules just before the initiation of the growth of these buds. 
  • A clump is divided into 2 equal parts, retaining the root system, branches, and leaves of each part as fully intact as possible. These propagules usually give the highest degree of success.


i) is the  limited space for side branches pruning and other management care like weeding , extracting/ harvesting poles, is a constraint in this system.

i) Inter-cultivation and additional income generation  is not possible.

Fig. 1 depicts pit or block and triangular systems.

5.2 Paired and row system: 

  • This system is very common at the individual or community level by overcoming  the constraints in the previous model like irrigation, labor constraint, intercrops, machinery manoeuvrings, and more plant numbers. 
  • The system spacing is typically 6 x 2  m  (833 No’s plants/ha) or 4.5 x 3.5  m (900 plants), 4.26 x 2.43 m (1,000 plants),  rarely 4.5 x4.5 m (5000 plants). Giant Bamboo requires more spacing viz. 10 x 10  m . Fig. 2 depicts this system.
  • It is advised to plant from north to south direction , so that all the plants receive the sunlight equally, but scientific data are need on this aspect
  • Bamboo has the advantage that it can be planted in many situations like farm bunds, along the banks of a river, ridges, and nallah (stream) i.e. moist conditions.

Bamboo plantation tips are provided in Box 2 and some precautions in Table 4.


6. Harvest and Processing 

Bamboo plantation is harvested in the 4th or 5th year if irrigated while 6 to 10 years in drylands. Check the Bamboo width at the 5th internode above the ground. A minimum of 4 years of growth is needed for a Bamboo pole thickening of minimum 3 inch for trade, while 5-7 inch is desired but it takes time.  

Each bamboo culm age is identified with colour code to get the desired quality required for the tower.  Colour coding helps identify the desired age , to be harvested  as per the demand.

Apply same colour to the new culms each year that are 4 inch wide 1 ft above ground . Shoots may be coloured year-wise e.g. red (year 1), blue (year 2), yellow (year 3 (year 3), pink (year 4(year 4), etc.

In a clump, first harvest the inner poles as they may be older and spare the outside poles. Monopodial or paired and row plantation systems are easy to harvest, but harvesting is challenging in the sympodial or block plantation. Hence,  the pruning of branches and removal of excess culm is conducted each year to reduce the density. Every cut Bamboo culm is replaced by few culms in the next year, if all culms in a Bamboo are not harvested together, so this is sustainable and regenerative harvest meethod!

6.b)   Post-harvest management- 

Bamboo is soked in water for a long and dried well. This avoids the microbial decay as it has high starch content. The following post- harvest techniques are suggested [27,28].

6.b.1)  Storage 

The bamboo poles should be kept vertically, so that sap inside rinses outby gravity. This avoids its bending upward due to the uneven surface. It can be arranged in any of the following formats-

  1. Criss-cross structure- for aeration  
  2. Covering the poles to avoid exposure 
  3. in stacks, under shed.

6.b.2) Primary treatment 

i)  Water treatment: Tie the bamboo poles  in a bundle and put them in a river /pond /canal or artificial tanks for 15 days. This dissolves the water-soluble glucose /fructose so it avoids the oxidation inside the bamboo so as to increase its longevity  and is called “leaching” [27].

ii)  Smoke treatment– It avoids infestation from borer insect pests [ibid.].

iii) Bio-Oil:  It is preservative against fungi and termites [28]. 

iv) Effluent of paper industry- These are preservative for a limited period [ibid.].

Traditional bamboo preservation methods above are absolutely safe, economical, and environmentally friendly [ibid.]. However, limited scientific data exist regarding their effectiveness and the mechanisms involved. 

v) Chemical treatment

v.1- Chrome borate solution: This is a very common method where the poles are kept slanting 30 to 45 degree angles from the ground. The bamboo bottom is on the upper side and its tip to the lower end. The preservative solution solution is poured inside the hole and allowed to ooze out from another side by keeping it for 24 hrs. This is repeated 3 to 4 days. Manual simple innovation using spray pumps is adopted. However, the modified Boucherie method is highly toxic and unsuited in farming areas, and without gloves and eye protection. The usual borax/ boric acid mix is not toxic to contact, unless swallowed but Chrome is toxic [27].

v.2- Vacuum pressure impregnation is common, but feasible only in the medium, not small sized enterprises [27].

v.3- PVC: PVC coating or varshinsh coating is the best treatment method to preserve dry bamboo against exposure to air insects and microbes- the biggest threats [29]. 

Eco-friendly methods such as bio-oil, hydrogels, and boron complexes, are efficient in making bamboo culms long lasting. New, innovative techniques like “flame-retardant” with Borax or Boucherie method are also emerging rapidly [30,31].

7. Economics and community entrepreneurship

7.1 Economics

  •  Bamboo is preferred over timber now as its shelf life has increased up to 10 to 15 yrs, due to advancements in processing. If maintained diligently and regularly, the utility can extend up to 20 yrs. There are even 50 years or older treated Bamboo buildings such as at Forest Research Institute of India at Dehradun  (  and in North Eastern India ( Bamboo is amply available, much faster growing raw materials, less priced than the timber, is light weight, and eco-friendly,  making it fashionable in cities too. 
  • Bamboo plantation is viable on farms of 1 ha size for a family and 3 ha at the community level. 
  • Paired and row systems is suited for the low income community, and income from intercropping say vegetavle/ spices is also possible for the first 3 years, while bamboo poles from the 4th year. 
  • Every single rhizome can give 12 to 35 new culmsduring 5 yrs. period. This will result in the anticipated production of more than 12,000 poles of bamboo/ ha/ year. usually, the harvested plants regenerate in 3 years as per our experience and literature [10].  
  • Bamboo plants number 1130 per ha (paired and row system) and yields from the 4th or 5th year if irrigated and well managed and the 7th to 10th year in the rain-fed plantation [ibid.]. It yields 2,500 to 3,000 bamboo poles/ ha /year depending upon species [20].
  • About 15 to 20 feet long Bamboo pole fetches Rs, 50-80/- (fifty-eighty) each and 40 to 50 ft long pole fetches $2 (two) in the local market. If its well treated (chemically and preservative) it can fetch $ 4- (four) each. Timber costs $ 10-12 (3 ft. x 4”) while a metal/ iron pole costs $ 12 (twelve) of 20 ft length.  Bamboo is thus 70% cheaper in Pune-Mumbai cities we noticed and in Punjab [32] and Jammu and Kashmir states too [33].
  • Bamboo economics depends on the sapling cost which is $0.2-0.25 – per sapling for D. strictus/ B. tulda. For rhizome, it’s $ 4 (four) each, and for the cuttings, $ 1 (one) each. For planting, rhizome age of 1 year is suitable.  From 6th year, labour and other costs are negligible (10 % of the initial years). 
  • An ideal bamboo model for tower-purpose can be a mix of bamboo species (D. stocksii:50%, T. oliveri: 25%, B. balcooa: 10%, B. bambos, and D. strictus: 5% each) can be. However, Bima Bamboo (B. Balcooa) promotion in southern India/ Maharashtra is unsuitable and has failed often as it’s a subtropical species unable to tolerate the tropical heat to so flowering and dying early- in few years [26]! Instead, aforesaid other Bamboo species suit here .
  • Nursery can be a community-based entreprise as it provides income in short gestation (6 months to 1 year.). One community group can produce 1 lakh saplings easily and earn 20 times INR that number. 

Note- A clump may develop 10-15 culms (bamboo poles) and 4-5 of these can be harvested safely/ year from 5-6th year onwards. A pole is sold at US $1 i.e. Rs. 80/- (eighty) on average. About 200 culms imply 1,000 poles and income of $11*80= $880/-. This is farm gate income, and the marketing cost is negligible.

Income starts from the 6th year and recurring cost of $ 1,000/- per ha occurs till then. Some reported only 50% of the above cost and 2 times income [10], but our estimate is modest based on our own experience. Table 6 depicts the cost-benefit analysis and the profit of $ 2,000 (two thousand) annually after 10 years. But cash crop growers earn it from the 1st year itself. So Bamboo farming is not competitive with the cash crops but suitable for harsh conditions such as  Human-wildlife conflict (crop raising by wildlife such as deer) or difficult terrain- mountains, semi-desert lands, or for the absentee landlords (emigrated to cities/ abroad) on lease-rent.

7.2 Bamboo as a Community enterprise

Bamboo suits community enterprise as the value of the product increase 2 to 4 times over the years. Establishing common facility centre (CFC) and training and exposure in processing and making local products is necessary. This can promote entrepreneurship and better market connect.   Startups often get incentives e.g. easy capital, land, water, electricity, initial tax sops so can succeed in the Bamboo sector also such as at Bhor block, Pune district, Maharashtra stae ( . Farmers producer organisations (FPO) promoted nationally by national Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) can adopt Bamboo. Policy amendments are required to initiate insurance for the Bamboo plantations to so the farmers can uptake it. Carbon credits are available for bamboo [34] and its fast growth can enable quicker net zero goal reaching in India, say by 2050 as per the global pledge, ahead of its 2070 commitment, and can contribute 16% of the carbon sequestration potential from tree cover (agro-forestry) [35]! In fact the paper argues that with Bamboo and agroforestry promotion, India can achieve net zero earlier say by 2050- the global deadline, ahead of India’s committmnet of 2070. India’s latest biannual report in 2024 end to United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) claims that India has completd that target ahead of time [36]. However, baseline used for this claim 2005 while Net Zero implementation should be computed post 2021 i.e. the 26th conference of paries at Glassgow, 2021 (COP-26) [37]. Thus, much yet remains to be done and Bamboo can be a useful tool to achive the reforestation/ green cover and “net zero carbon” goals.


We thank Mr. Nils Brock and Ms Sarbani Banerjee Belur from Association for Progress Communication (APC) for sponsoring and guiding the baseline manual publication and we also thank members of the associated community network for sharing global information. We thank the journal of diversity studies and the anonymous reviewers to improve and publish it. We are obliged to Dr. Bharat Kakde and the BAIF leadership in encouraging this study.

Conflict of Interest

We declare no conflict of interest in this publication.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT are not used to make this manuscript.


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