Determination of Physico-chemical Parameters Bibinagar Lake, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district, Telangana

B. Krishnaveni , K. Shailaja , J. Chapla

Department of Environmental Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, Telangana, India.

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The present study on the Physico-chemical parameters of water quality of Bibinagar Lake is a Mandal in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district, State of Telangana, India. During the period from May 2020 to April 2021 at three sampling stations, seasonal variations in air temperature, turbidity, pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, dissolved oxygen, hardness, nitrates, chlorides, calcium and magnesium were recorded. The various Physico-chemical parameters of Bibinagar Lake were calculated. The results of this study revealed that the concentration of the nutrients, turbidity, electrical conductivity and TDS increased with a decreasing trend of dissolved oxygen in all the sampling stations during the monsoon season. Thus, degradation in the water quality of the lake resulted in the monsoon season. The present study was carried out to determine various Physico-chemical parameters and the water quality index of Bibinagar Lake to study the quality of water for public consumption, recreation and other purposes. This study deals with the influence of environmental factors as well as domestic activities in the water quality in the related area.


Bibinagar Lake, Fresh water, Physico-chemical, Water quality

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Lakes represent one of the most resourceful ecosystems on the Earth. In lakes, the input and output of materials take place and therefore represent a continual chemical process like any other aquatic ecosystem. However, unlike rivers and oceans, limited mobility of material occurs in lakes. The sediments received by the lakes through inlets from catchment area erosion get progressively settled to the bottom of the lake. The water of the lake exits mostly through evaporation and outlet streams. In a lentic ecosystem, there is a rapid interaction of sediment and water which increases the biological activities in the lakes (1). Lakes are dynamic lentic ecosystems which are significant inland water resources for meeting the increasing water demand. However, all these functions depend on the quality of water, which is based on a well-balanced environment in terms of its physical, chemical and biological variables (2).

Water is an essential component of the environment and it sustains life on the earth. All organisms depend on water for their survival (3). Freshwater bodies are important wetlands located in and around human habitations as they are generally semi-important natural ecosystems constructed by man in a landscape suitable for water stagnation (4). The quality of drinking water is essential for life. Contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, nitrates and salt have polluted water supplies as a result of inadequate treatment and disposal of waste from humans, livestock, industrial discharges, domestic discharge and extensive use of limited water resources (5). There are some reported cases of typhoid, diarrhoea and other water borne diseases arising from the consumption of contaminated water. Different works have been reported by many researchers on water quality assessment. Today, contaminated water kills more people than cancer, AIDS, wars, terrorism or accidents (6). Physico-chemical properties of the water get varied season-wise and in addition, anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, urbanization, domestic sewage, etc in the catchment area result in the deterioration of water quality (7). Temperature, turbidity, nutrients, hardness, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen are some of the important factors that play a vital role in the growth of living organisms in the water body.

The major resource of water for consumption by humans and livestock is mainly for drinking and domestic purposes (8). In addition to this, water quality of lakes is also impacted by the dumping of religious offerings into the lakes (9). Apart from this, lakes have significant economic values including supplying water for irrigation, power generation, providing food via fish and aquatic products and stabilizing the health and biodiversity of important life support ecosystems (10). Therefore, due to the quality of water from these water bodies, they are not always consumable or useful. So, there is a need for serious characterization of water Physico-chemically before use. Generally, the lake water chemistry describes the seasonal variations in the behaviour of dissolved ions and catchment characteristics (11). In this paper, we have considered the Bibinagar Lake for the seasonal physico-chemical characterization of water.

The present study was carried out to determine various physico-chemical parameters and water quality index of Bibinagar Lake a Mandal in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district of the Indian state of Telangana. Bibinagar lake to study the quality of water for public consumption, recreation and other purposes. This study deals with the influence of environmental factors as well as domestic activities on the water quality in the related area.

Materials and methods

Water sampling of the study area

Bibinagar Lake is a man-made lake located at the part of the Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district. The lake is bounded by a wooden hedge. The waste from the temple including polythene bags and the flowers were directly added into the lake. Besides, solid wastes and contaminated water which are utilized by the local people are also released into the lake.

Three sampling stations (S1, S2, S3) have been identified for covering the entire ecosystem for seasonal physico-chemical characterization of water of the Bibinagar Lake three different sites were selected for the collection of water samples (Figure 1).

Location: Bhuvanagiri Road, Bibinagar.

Latitude: 17°29’02.3″N

Longitude: 78°47’52.9″E

Area covered: 11.12 km2

Maintained by: Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) with the responsibility of developing the Bibinagar. 

The samples were collected in sterilized polythene bottles of one litter capacity. Monitoring was performed from May 2020 to April 2021 (monsoon, winter and summer). For unstable parameters such as temperature, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured at the sampling site. Samples were brought to the laboratory for analysis of other physico-chemical parameters like sodium, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulphate, nitrate, phosphate and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The parameters were compared according to the standard methods described in the literature (12-14). Three replicates of each sample from each sampling stations were taken for each parameter, and their statistical mean was computed. Temperature were measured in situ using the centigrade (0–110 °C) thermometer. However, the pH was measured by the Mac portable pH meter. Turbidity was determined using the Electronic India Digital Turbidity Meter (Model-331). Total dissolved solids (TDS) and electrical conductivity were recorded using the Toshcon Multi parameter Analyser. Dissolved oxygen, hardness, nitrates, calcium, chloride, and magnesium were estimated using the standard methods (15-16). Bibinagar lake is located between latitude 17°29’02.3″N and longitude 78°47’52.9″E at an area coverd of 11. 12 km2. Monthly sampling was undertaken during the morning time between 09:00 am and 10:00 am hr. during the period from May 2020 to April 2021.

Results and Discussion


Water temperature at Bibinagar Lake ranged from 16.4°C in January 2021 to 18.4°C in April 2021. The highest average temperature was 18.4°C in April, while the lowest was 16.6°C in January (Table 1 and Graph 1). Overall, the temperature exhibited minimal variation throughout the year, indicating a stable thermal environment, likely influenced by the lake’s depth and regional climatic conditions. The temperature in Bibinagar Lake remained relatively stable, with minor fluctuations between 16.4°C and 18.4°C. This stability suggests a moderated thermal environment, likely due to the lake’s depth and regional climatic conditions. Stable temperatures in aquatic systems can indicate a balanced thermal regime, which supports diverse aquatic life (17).


Turbidity values ranged from 2.22 NTU in May 2020 to 7.11 NTU in December 2020. The maximum average turbidity was recorded in December (7.11 NTU), and the minimum was in May (2.22 NTU) (Table 2 and Graph 2). Increased turbidity during monsoon months suggests sediment runoff, with peak values in December indicating sediment suspension or organic matter decomposition. Turbidity exhibited significant seasonal variation, peaking in December (7.11 NTU) and reaching its lowest in May (2.22 NTU). The increase in turbidity during the monsoon months is consistent with findings by (18), WHO reported that turbidity often rises due to runoff carrying sediments and organic matter. High turbidity can negatively impact aquatic life by reducing light penetration and affecting photosynthesis (19).


pH values ranged from 7.82 in July to 8.74 in January 2021. The highest average pH was observed in January (8.74), and the lowest in July (7.82) (Table 3 and Graph 3). The pH level reflects moderate alkalinity typical of freshwater systems, with variations attributed to biological activity and mineralization processes. pH values ranged from 7.82 in July to 8.74 in January, reflecting moderate alkalinity throughout the year. The higher pH in January might be attributed to reduced biological activity and lower rates of organic acid production (20). Conversely, lower pH in July could result from increased biological activity and organic acid production, as observed by (21).

Electrical Conductance    

Electrical conductance varied from 1,054 µS/cm in October 2020 to 1,298 µS/cm in July 2020. The highest conductance was in July (1,298 µS/cm), and the lowest in October (1,054 µS/cm) (Table 4 and Graph 4). Elevated conductance in July indicates increased ionic content due to rainfall and runoff, while the lower value in October suggests dilution effects. Electrical Conductance was highest in July (1,298 µS/cm) and lowest in October (1,054 µS/cm). Increased conductance in July suggests elevated ionic content due to rainfall and runoff, while the lower conductance in October may reflect dilution effects (22). Elevated conductance often correlates with increased nutrient and pollutant loadings (23).

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)    

TDS levels ranged from 541 ppm in September to 768 ppm in March 2021. The highest average TDS was recorded in March (768 ppm), and the lowest in September (541 ppm) (Table 5 and Graph 5). The increase in TDS from September to March is attributed to evaporation concentrating dissolved solids. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ranged from 541 ppm in September to 768 ppm in March. The increase in TDS during March aligns with findings by (24), where evaporation during dry months concentrates dissolved solids. This seasonal variation in TDS indicates changes in water volume and mineral content due to climatic conditions (25).

Total Hardness    

Total hardness ranged from 224 ppm in November to 328 ppm in June 2020. The highest hardness was observed in June (328 ppm), and the lowest in November (224 ppm) (Table 6 and Graph 6). Seasonal fluctuations in hardness reflect changes in mineral input from runoff and water composition. Total Hardness was highest in June (328 ppm) and lowest in November (224 ppm). Fluctuations in hardness can be attributed to seasonal changes in mineral inputs from runoff, similar to the finding (26). Higher hardness during pre-monsoon months often results from increased mineral leaching (27).


Calcium levels ranged from 36 ppm in December to 113.7 ppm in September. The highest average calcium concentration was observed in September (113.7 ppm), and the lowest in December (36 ppm) (Table 7 and Graph 7). Variations in calcium levels are influenced by runoff and biological activity. Calcium concentrations peaked in September (113.7 ppm) and were lowest in December (36 ppm). Seasonal variations in calcium levels can be influenced by runoff and biological processes, with higher concentrations during monsoon months due to increased runoff (28).


Magnesium levels ranged from 15.5 ppm in May to 67 ppm in September. The highest average magnesium concentration was recorded in September (67 ppm), and the lowest in May (15.5 ppm) (Table 8 and Graph 8). Peaks in magnesium during monsoon months are due to increased runoff and mineral leaching. Magnesium levels were highest in September (67 ppm) and lowest in May (15.5 ppm). The increase in magnesium during the monsoon months is consistent with observations by (29), where higher runoff contributes to increased mineral concentrations.


Nitrate levels ranged from 1.14 ppm in May 2020 to 14.62 ppm in October 2020. The highest average nitrate concentration was observed in October (14.62 ppm), and the lowest in May (1.14 ppm) (Table 9 and Graph 9). Increased nitrate during the monsoon indicates higher runoff carrying fertilizers and organic materials. Nitrate levels were highest in October (14.62 ppm) and lowest in May (1.14 ppm). Elevated nitrate levels during the monsoon are indicative of increased nutrient loading from runoff and fertilizers, a trend also observed by (30). High nitrate levels can lead to eutrophication and decreased water quality.

Chloride levels

Chloride ranged from 113.4 ppm in September to 172.6 ppm in March 2021. The highest average chloride concentration was recorded in March (172.6 ppm), and the lowest in September (113.4 ppm) (Table 10 and Graph 10). Chloride concentrations peaked during dry months, reflecting evaporation effects. Chloride concentrations peaked in March (172.6 ppm) and were lowest in September (113.4 ppm). Elevated chloride levels in dry months are typically due to evaporation concentrating salts, as noted by (31). This seasonal trend is also observed in other freshwater systems (32).


Sulphate levels ranged from 27.2 ppm in September to 39.7 ppm in May. The highest average sulphate was recorded in May (39.7 ppm), and the lowest in September (27.2 ppm) (Table 11 and Graph 11). Sulphate levels generally increase in pre-monsoon months and decrease during the monsoon due to dilution and runoff. Sulphate levels were highest in May (39.7 ppm) and lowest in September (27.2 ppm). The increase in sulphate during pre-monsoon months aligns with observations by (33), indicating atmospheric deposition and reduced runoff dilution during dry periods.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)    

BOD values ranged from 17.6 in May to 35 in November. The highest BOD was recorded in November (35), and the lowest in May (17.6) (Table 12 and Graph 12). Significant variations in BOD, with peaks during the monsoon, reflect higher organic pollution. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) values were highest in November (35) and lowest in May (17.6). Peaks in BOD during the monsoon months reflect higher organic loads, consistent with findings by (34). High BOD levels can indicate increased organic pollution and potential impacts on water quality.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)    

DO levels ranged from 4.5 in April to 8.4 in September. The highest DO was recorded in September (8.4), and the lowest in April (4.5) (Table 13 and Graph 13). Optimal DO levels during the monsoon indicate healthy aquatic conditions, with a decrease towards the end of the study period raising concerns for aquatic health. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels were optimal in September (8.4) but decreased towards the end of the study, with the lowest values in April (4.5). The decline in DO towards the end of the study period raises concerns about aquatic health, as low DO levels can stress aquatic organisms (35).


The study of Bibinagar Lake highlighted several key trends in water quality from May 2020 to April 2021. Temperature remained relatively stable, indicating a moderated thermal environment. Seasonal variations in turbidity, TDS, and hardness reflect the influence of runoff and evaporation. Increased nitrate and BOD during the monsoon months suggest higher organic and nutrient loads. Peaks in turbidity and TDS, along with high BOD values, point to significant impacts from sediment and organic matter during the monsoon. DO levels were optimal during the monsoon but decreased towards the study’s end, raising concerns about potential impacts on aquatic life. Overall, the study underscores the influence of seasonal variations on water quality and highlights the need for ongoing monitoring to ensure the lake’s ecological health and suitability for its uses.


Thankful to the all authors of Osmania University, Hyderabad.


The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interest to disclose

Availability data

All data generated or analysed during this study included in the article

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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